Today, as per usual, I went to café bought nasi lemak. I had so high expectation on the nasi lemak as they never disappoint me.
However, I feel so bad when I started to uncover the nasi lemak. Please see the photo below.
The nasi lemak with NO ikan bilis and NO spicy source…just with few pieces of dry chilis...
How can that be? The nasi lemak like this cost RM 1.20.
Well, today is Friday; I don’t want to spoil my day just because of the nasi lemak. Thus, I finished it without making any complaint.
这一包 nasi lemak,让我深思。 因为我只想过着我低调的生活,我吞下了这个不公平的交易。 所以,那个卖nasi lemak 的人, 还是会继续他的坏行为; 会有更多人面对同样的事。我应该带着nasi lemak 去投诉。我错了!!!
在工作,在生活,什么样的人也有。今天,我同时看到心地不好的同事,欺负心地善良的同事。我很难过。善良的你们, 不应该忍气吞声,一定要做出正确的投诉。 也许,情况不能改变,但至少心地不好的他们, 会alert, 没法如此的明目张胆欺负你们。心地不好的你们,祝愿你们早日醒悟。
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